Why My Real Page is a Good Choice for Your Real Estate Website?

Why My Real Page is a Good Choice for Your Real Estate Website?

As the real estate industry continues to grow, businesses are looking for better ways to attract and retain clients. One way to do this is by having a professional and effective real estate website. My Real Page is a platform that provides real estate professionals with a complete solution to build, manage, and market their websites. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using My Real Page for your real estate website.


My Real Page is a specialized website building and management platform for real estate professionals. It provides a wide range of features to help users create a professional and effective website to showcase their properties, attract leads, and grow their business. With My Real Page, real estate agents and brokers can create a customized website with a modern design that is optimized for search engines, mobile devices, and social media.

At Zinda Agency, we often recommend the My Real Page platform to clients who have a limited budget and need to create a website quickly. The platform already has integrated listings, and we can easily customize a few pages to make it look stunning and even better than what the My Real Page team can do. We have extensive experience working with My Real Page and helping our clients create a unique and visually appealing website within the platform's parameters. We understand that not all real estate professionals have a big budget to invest in a fully customized website, which is why we recommend My Real Page as a cost-effective and efficient solution.

However, just because we're using a pre-designed platform doesn't mean our clients have to compromise on the quality of their website. Our team of designers and developers can customize the website to fit our clients' branding and preferences. We can also add additional custom pages and features to enhance the user experience and showcase our clients' expertise and services.

My Real Page Features

My Real Page offers a range of features to help real estate professionals build and manage their websites. Some of these features include:

  • Customizable website design templates
  • Property listings management
  • Lead generation tools
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) tools
  • Mobile-friendly website design
  • Social media integration
  • Blogging platform
  • Analytics and reporting tools

Benefits of My Real Page

There are several benefits to using My Real Page for your real estate website. These include:

Easy to Use

My Real Page is easy to use, even for those with no web design or development experience. Its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop editor make it easy to create and manage a website quickly and efficiently.


My Real Page is an affordable solution for real estate professionals. It offers a range of pricing plans to fit any budget, from basic to advanced. Users can choose to pay monthly or annually, and there are no setup fees or long-term contracts.

Professional Design

My Real Page offers a range of professional design templates that can be customized to fit any brand or style. Its designs are modern, clean, and optimized for user experience.

Lead Generation

My Real Page provides real estate professionals with a range of lead generation tools, such as contact forms, property search widgets, and social media integration. These tools help users capture and manage leads effectively.

SEO Optimization

My Real Page is optimized for search engines, making it easier for users to rank higher in search results. It includes features such as meta tags, sitemaps, and keyword optimization tools.

Mobile Optimization

My Real Page websites are designed to be mobile-friendly, ensuring that they look good and function well on all devices. This is crucial as mobile traffic continues to grow, and more people use their smartphones and tablets to browse the internet.

Social Media Integration

My Real Page integrates with popular social media platforms, making it easy to promote your website and properties on social media. This helps to increase visibility and generate more leads.


My Real Page includes a built-in blogging platform, allowing users to publish content and engage with their audience. This helps to establish a brand as an authority in the industry and attract more visitors to the website.

Analytics and Reporting

My Real Page provides users with detailed analytics and reporting, giving them insights into website performance, traffic sources, and lead generation. This information helps users make informed decisions about website optimization and marketing strategies.

My Real Page vs. Competitors

While there are several website building and management platforms available for real estate professionals, My Real Page stands out in several ways. One of the main advantages of My Real Page is its ease of use, affordability, and comprehensive set of features. It offers a range of customization options, including design templates, lead generation tools, and social media integration, making it easy for users to create a professional and effective website quickly and efficiently.

Customer Support

This is something really important we always recommend to our clients, My Real Page offers excellent customer support to its users, including live chat, phone support, and email support. Its customer support team is available 24/7 to help users with any issues they may encounter while using the platform.

Lead Generation and Management

My Real Page provides users with a range of lead generation and management tools to help them capture and manage leads effectively. These tools include contact forms, property search widgets, and social media integration. The platform also offers a range of lead management features, including lead tracking, lead nurturing, and lead scoring.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

My Real Page is optimized for search engines, making it easier for users to rank higher in search results. The platform includes features such as meta tags, sitemaps, and keyword optimization tools to help users improve their website's visibility and attract more organic traffic.

Mobile Optimization

My Real Page platform is known for its mobile-friendly website designs that function well on all devices. The platform uses responsive design technology to automatically adjust the website's layout and content to fit the user's device. However, sometimes the automatic adjustments may make the website look a little off. At Zinda Agency, we are committed to delivering world-class websites to our clients. As part of this commitment, we always custom adjust the mobile version of our clients' websites made on My Real Page to ensure that it looks just as good as the desktop version. We understand that the limited screen size of mobile devices can make the website look unappealing at times. Therefore, we put in extra effort to make sure that the mobile version of our clients' websites is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and user-friendly.

Social Media Integration

My Real Page integrates with popular social media platforms, making it easy for users to promote their website and properties on social media. The platform includes features such as social media sharing buttons, social media feeds, and social media tracking tools.


My Real Page includes a built-in blogging platform that allows users to publish content and engage with their audience. The platform includes features such as a WYSIWYG editor, SEO optimization tools, and social media integration.

Analytics and Reporting

My Real Page provides users with detailed analytics and reporting to help them track their website's performance, traffic sources, and lead generation. The platform includes features such as Google Analytics integration, lead tracking, and conversion tracking.


In conclusion, My Real Page is a great option for real estate professionals who don't have a big budget for a fully custom Wordpress site or don't want to pay a high monthly fee. It offers a comprehensive set of features that are easy to use and affordable, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. With our help, we can customize your My Real Page site to make it look stunning and reflect your brand identity. Whether you're a real estate agent or broker, My Real Page provides the tools and capabilities you need to succeed in the competitive real estate industry.